Can peer pressure lead to eating disorders?

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Can peer pressure lead to eating disorders? | Kids in the House
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Can peer pressure lead to eating disorders?

So peer pressure certainly does affect an eating disorder or can affect an eating disorder or can affect a teenager using substances. Because there's such a great need to fit in with their friends, teens can try anything to see if it works for them. But usually there's a biological component that's underlying and there also has to be an environment to kind of breathe those issues. So what I mean by that is if it runs in the family, there's a higher likelihood that it could show up in the teenager. And if there are some concerns at home, if there's chaos in their life in some way, if they're having feelings that they can't control and this helps them cope with it, they may learn to use these behaviors as a way to get through something, as a way to cope with what's going on that they fell that they can't control.

See Meg Newman, MS, LMFT's video on Can peer pressure lead to eating disorders?...


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Meg Newman, MS, LMFT


Meg Newman is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in Venice and Tarzana CA. Meg is also a mother and stepmom. Meg has worked as a therapist with children and teens focusing on a variety of issues concerning anxiety, eating disorders, body image, substance abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. Meg is native to Los Angeles and loves spending time with family, as well as snowboarding as often as possible.

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