KidsInTheHouse the Ultimate Parenting Resource
Kids in the House Tour

Brain Health & Nutrition

Chef, Author
Lunch Lessons

Former CEO Healthy
Child Healthy World

Change Your Brain,
Change Your Body

Psychologist, Wellspring
Weight Loss Plan

Neurologist, How Your
Child Learns Best

How Girls Thrive

Gurian Institute
The Wonder of Boys

Clinical Psychiatrist
Spark: Revolutionary

Different Learners

Parenting…Inside Out

Pediatrician, Your
Newborn: Head to Toe

President and Executive Director
Whole Kids Foundation

Celebrity Trainer & Single Dad

Author & Nutritionist

Dr. Del's Rapid Fatloss

Leah Segedie

Mom, Blogger

Shape Up America!

Family Therapist
Amen Clinics

Guide...Eating Disorders

Chinese Medicine
Secrets of Self-Healing

Steven Kiralla

Dad, Environmentalist
"Green Gardening"

Mom, Consultant
"Baby's First Year"

Whole-Brain Child

Nicole Meadow, MPN, RD

Pediatric Dietitian 
Founder, NutritionWise

Ling Wong, MS, CHC

Holistic Nutrition
Thoughts for Food

Mom, TV Production
"After Divorce"

Paige Goldberg  Tolmach

Mom, Activist
"Organic Mom"