Obeying family rules when visiting the homes of friends

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Obeying family rules when visiting the homes of friends | Kids in the House
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Obeying family rules when visiting the homes of friends

One of the challenges when we launch our child into the world is that they are going to be in situations unlike our family situations. In situations where there is different rules. For instance, when a child visits another person's house, maybe they allow their children to see movies that you don't allow your children to see. Maybe they allow their children to play video games that you don't allow your children to play. There is a couple of ways to think about this. One is, as much as you can, make connections with the family your child is visiting. Talk to the parents, visit with your child so you can see what the context is. Maybe have some conversations with the parents about what the children are going to be doing when they are there. I think the other thing is getting clear about what things are hard and fast rules for you, and what things you feel like; okay, they are going to get that at their friends house, but they are not going to get it at our house. I'm okay to negotiate that. Further, I think you can talk to your child and say, "We have these rules in our family. Not all families have these rules, but if you go to somebody's house and they are showing a movie that says it's a PG-13 or restricted in some other way, give me a call and let's talk about if that might be something that you can see. I want to be sure that you are in a healthy environment, and sometimes we need to have a conversation to make healthy decisions about that."

Watch Video: Obeying family rules when visiting the homes of friends by Janis Keyser, MA, ...


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Janis Keyser, MA

Early Childhood Education Specialist & Author

Janis Keyser currently works as a site director for a child development program in Mountain View, California. She was a full-time faculty member in the Early Childhood Education Department at Cabrillo College in Aptos, California for 30 years, teaching children, teachers and parents and coordinating a state demonstration infant toddler program. She has written a resource book for parents and one for teachers; and is a nationally recognized speaker at parenting, family and child development conferences, and has conducted workshops nationally and internationally for parents and teachers for over 35 years. She enjoys swimming, kayaking, photography, family games and cooking with friends of all ages.

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