Gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease

Alan Greene, MD, Founder of, shares advice for parents how to avoid the chances of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease in your kids
How To Prevent Gluten Sensitivity And Celiac Disease In Kids
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Gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease

Well how do you prevent gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease, something that's been in the news a lot lately? Well we have really good information from Scandinavia and from England, where they keep really good records, and there were changes in infant feeding. And with those changes there were big changes in the amount of Celiac. Here's what we've learned. The first thing is it's good to introduce gluten early in life, somewhere between about 6 and 12 months. Second thing is if it's introduced while you're still breastfeeding, the chance of ever developing a sensitivity goes way down. So continue to nurse when you introduce it. When you do introduce gluten, you want it to be in the form of a whole grain, a good healthy whole grain, not some overprocessed white flour. And when you do introduce gluten, you want it not to be the major food in a kid's life. It's part of a healthy diet, not that they're just getting gluten every meal all the time. But by doing those things, the gluten sensitivity in those countries dropped dramatically and we can drop it here in the United States as well. It may be counter-intuitive, because a lot of times people think, if I want to avoid gluten sensitivity, I avoid gluten. It's just the opposite. You want to expose kids early, while they're still nursing, to the healthiest forms.

Alan Greene, MD, Founder of, shares advice for parents how to avoid the chances of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease in your kids


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Alan Greene, MD


Dr. Alan Greene founded his website,, in 1995, cited by the AMA as "the pioneer physician web site." In 2010 he founded the WhiteOut Now movement to change how babies are fed from their very first bite of solid food, and in 2012 he founded TICC TOCC – Transitioning Immediate Cord Clamping To Optimal Cord Clamping. He is an author of several books including Feeding Baby Green and appears frequently in the media including such venues as the The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, TODAY Show, Good Morning America, the Dr. Oz Show, and is a regular columnist for Parenting magazine. He is a practicing pediatrician and the father of four.

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