Can a lactation consultant help someone with low milk supply?

Lactation Consultant Corky Harvey explains how a lactation consultant can help a mother with low milk supply.
Can a lactation consultant help someone with low milk supply? | Kids in the House
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Can a lactation consultant help someone with low milk supply?

Even though most mothers can make enough milk for their babies, there's a lot of reason for that small 5% of why they are not making enough milk, and a Lactation Consultant can sort of sort that out for you. She is going to look at whether you have a primary lactation insufficiency, or a secondary lactation insufficiency. So primary would mean that there was something wrong with her system. Perhaps a mother has had a reduction .. breast surgery, or her baby has a cleft lip and pallet and can't make a proper seal at the breast. Those would be primary concerns. But in the secondary concerns, the mother has the ability to make plenty of milk, and the baby is healthy and well, but something's mechanically is going on here that could probably easily be fixed. Perhaps she is not nursing often enough or the baby is not latched on deeply enough, or maybe someone suggested she start formula. And when you do that, the baby is not nursing enough to drive that milk supply. So she will sort that out and help you define what that problem is. And then suggest ways to help solve the problem.

Lactation Consultant Corky Harvey explains how a lactation consultant can help a mother with low milk supply.


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Corky Harvey, MS, RN, IBCLC

Certified Lactation Consultant

Corky Harvey is a co-founder of the Pump Station & Nurtury™ - the first new parent resource center of its kind. She is a registered nurse with a master's degree in maternal/newborn Nursing, and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She teaches breastfeeding and baby care classes, facilitates the New Mother Breastfeeding Support Groups, and is a frequent guest lecturer. Corky has three grown children who were breastfed and she loves to claim that their intelligence is linked to this. Corky has two grandsons, Diego who nursed over two years, and 18-month-old Axel who is still breastfeeding. 

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