What does it mean to be a conscious parent?

Shefali Tsabary, PhD Psychiatrist & Author, explains the concept of Conscious Parenting, and how and the benefits that being a conscious parent can have for you and your family
Conscious Parenting - What It Means To Be A Conscious Parent
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What does it mean to be a conscious parent?

Consciousness is a state of evolution, there is no end point where you can say, now I’m a conscious parent. I want all parents to understand that when they embark on the journey of consciousness, it’s not necessarily to be absent of unconsciousness. That’s not what consciousness is, consciousness is the ability to become more aware of when we have fallen off track, when we need to shift back into the deepest state of groundedness, when we are being triggered by our past, rather than responding to the present, when we are responding to our own unmet needs rather than responding to a child’s need in the moment. When we become aware and take ourselves away from this heavy intellectualization that our society so thrives on and we’re so consumed by the sense of doing and over production and over glamorous realization of life. When we stepped away from that and enter into a deepest state of presence, then we entered into the present moment, then we can understand who is our child in the present moment, listen to them with different years, with a different understanding, different insight and attuned to them in a completely different way. But its only when, we parents understand, when we ourselves get cut away from our being and enter into doing, enter into intellectualization, it’s only then that we can change track, shift back and attuned with our children.

Shefali Tsabary, PhD Psychiatrist & Author, explains the concept of Conscious Parenting, and how and the benefits that being a conscious parent can have for you and your family


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Shefali Tsabary, PhD

Clinical Psychologist & Author

Shefali Tsabary, PhD is the author of the award-winning book, The Conscious Parent. This book has been heralded as a game-changer in the parenting field. Dr. Shefali is an international speaker on conscious parenting and mindful living. She has a private practice in New York.  

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