Why every family should have a dog

Shari Simpson, Parenting Blogger & Comedy Writer, explains why she believes that every family should own a dog and explains all of the benefits that a dog can have for kids
Why Every Family Should Have A Dog
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Why every family should have a dog

I have a very strong conviction about pets for children, and a very, very strong conviction that the pet should be a dog. You know, having a dog teaches responsibility. It teaches love for a creature that is dependent on you. It teaches compassion. But in my own particular world there is a specific, which is my dog has a voice, supplied by me. And my dog weighs in on all the family issues, gives advice, encourages, through my voice. And I have to say that many times my dog gives better advice than I do. Works really well to lighten a bad situation. For instance, if my child is having a bad situation, the dog will interject and say that he has also had a rough time at the dog park with his dog friends. And why is that poodle all full of herself? And always gets a laugh. Definitely lightens up the situation. So I'm a big believer in dogs, particularly pugs, because as the great humorist Margot Kauffman said, "the pug is living proof that God has a sense of humor."
ALL PARENTS, Family Life, Family Pets

Shari Simpson, Parenting Blogger & Comedy Writer, explains why she believes that every family should own a dog and explains all of the benefits that a dog can have for kids


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Shari Simpson

Parenting Blogger & Comedy Writer

Shari Simpson is the mastermind behind the humor parenting blog “Earth Mother just means I’m dusty”; she also writes for NickMom, In The Powder Room, Cool Mom Picks and is the editor of Mommy Poppins New Jersey. Shari was the BlogHer 2012 Voice of the Year in humor writing and co-wrote the comedy, “Maybe Baby, It’s You” which had two successful off-Broadway runs and a Hollywood run starring Tori Spelling. Shari lives in Hoboken, New Jersey with her patient husband and three children (two humans, one pug). 

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